Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Online Security – Making Secure Passwords

Your whole life is online.  Your bank accounts, credit reports, social media, medical records and pictures of your kids are all out there waiting to be taken (or destroyed).  In today’s always-connected society, it is increasingly important that we take extra steps to protect ourselves online.  

Your first line of defense is a secure password (and no, using the word “password” is not secure).  I often find that getting into someone’s computer is rather simple; just try every iteration of the word “password” (“password”, “Password”, “Password1”, “Password!” and “Password1!”) and I usually get in with ease.  If these don’t work, I just look around and usually find their password on a “sticky note” nearby (and all of their other online accounts)

While I do understand you may have several passwords that you have to try to remember, and it IS tough; making your passwords super-simple also makes them an easy target for any malicious person. If you are at all concerned with your online privacy and security, keep reading. I will guide you on your first step to securing your online life!  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cortana for Android - Get It Now!

Exciting news for Android users!

Microsoft has now released their personal assistant, Cortana, for open beta on Android devices.  This means anyone with an Android device can sample this newcomer to the personal assistant lineup, following Apple’s Siri and Google Now. Microsoft is calling this version of their digital assistant “the companion to your Windows 10 PC, extending Cortana’s functionality across any device you carry” and it will give your alerts and other information across all of your devices using a Microsoft account. 

I had the privilege to try her myself on my Galaxy S6 Edge and have found that it works just as well as the version built in Windows 10.  You can search the Web, set reminders and alarms, and even track important things, such as flights.  If you want to get the most out of her, you can opt to use Cortana in lieu of Google Now by changing what happens when you long press on your home button.  However, it doesn’t currently include the option of voice activation through “Hey Cortana” like Windows 10 on your PC, but this isn’t a deal breaker.

How do you get it?

If you have an Android device, you need to first visit THIS address to enable the beta test.  Shortly after opting in for the beta, you will be allowed to install it from the Google Play store and begin to experience Cortana in this exciting new way.

Give Cortana a try and let me know what you think in the comment section below.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Cord cutting 101

How to Save Money by Ditching Your Cable Bill!

Rolls of $100 bills

Don’t you hate paying for all of those shopping channels, infomercials, and channels that aren’t even in your language?  Do you wish that you could have the chance to pay only for what you watch?  Maybe you should try “cutting the cord!”  It could give you the chance to slice the cost of your cable/satellite bill in half – and could even open the possibility of getting more content to enjoy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Microsoft releases highly anticipated Windows 10!

The day is finally upon us.

Windows 10 has been released to the masses.  Will it be greeted with open arms, or shunned like a red-headed step child?  In the days to come, we will hear everyone passing judgement; voting on whether the update is an improvement or a flop.

Today, many people will be installing the new, shinier, much-anticipated (and hyped) version of Windows.  Promises of better performance, an improved interface and flashy gadgets, such as Cortana, are ringing in everyone’s heads.  Techies around the world are all rushing to have the update installed before their friends and earn bragging rights.