Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Microsoft releases highly anticipated Windows 10!

The day is finally upon us.

Windows 10 has been released to the masses.  Will it be greeted with open arms, or shunned like a red-headed step child?  In the days to come, we will hear everyone passing judgement; voting on whether the update is an improvement or a flop.

Today, many people will be installing the new, shinier, much-anticipated (and hyped) version of Windows.  Promises of better performance, an improved interface and flashy gadgets, such as Cortana, are ringing in everyone’s heads.  Techies around the world are all rushing to have the update installed before their friends and earn bragging rights.

Yes, the dangers of a new Operating System are still there, as always.  Security vulnerabilities, bugs and performance problems will be found, but on this day we will push forth to sample the taste of today’s newest advances in technology.  Hopefully, it won’t taste bitter.

Below is a list of steps to take prior to updating to ensure all of your data, and sanity, remains safe.  
  •  Make sure your computer can run it: If you see the Windows logo on the lower right hand corner of your screen, click it, go to options and click “Check your PC”
  •  Make recovery disks: If you haven’t already done so, make recovery disks for your current Operating System (in case Windows 10 has problems, or you decide it’s not for you
  • Make backups of important documents/photos: It is only an upgrade, but things can go wrong.
  • Take a deep breath, keep calm and understand that this is a new thing and give it a chance
How do I get It?

There are two ways to obtain this new version.

  1.  Click on the small Windows Logo in the lower right hand side of your computer screen and follow the prompts
  2. Go to Microsoft's Media creation site and manually download it HERE.  Just click on the "Download Tool Now" for either the 64bit or the 32bit version depending on what you currently have on your computer.  If you have a newer computer, you will more than likely want the 64bit version.  Use THIS Microsoft article to find out which you are using.

How to get Windows 10 - Microsoft
Where to get an ISO (disk image) of Windows 10 - Microsoft
Is my PC running the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows?
Where to manually download Windows 10!

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